The Archetects: Why think outside the box?

Designers of today’s generation are bringing styles from their continent to the rest of the world but with a modern twist making their designs appealing to the western eye.

These Designers,  are however, not abandoning their roots, but rather embracing  new ideas of fashion trends, in order to expand.

For instance, The Archetects a collaborative team established in New York City, of two young females, designer teff, THE don, and seamstress/designer Zunyda Watson. Their collection, Alchemy is a collection of two key pieces that focuses on infusing African wax fabric with leather. Each piece photographed of their designs were handmade and are unisex. How amazing is that!?

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In a recent interview Teff, THE don. stated,

“Why do most cling to the concept of “thinking outside of the box?” What of it? What is it about the interior of the box that afflicts it with less desirability? I mean, who is to declare that the interior, in its compactness, is not entirely more superior to that which dwells outside of said box? Is it that we think it limiting? From where I stand, the exterior is as limiting as the inside is believed to be. As infinite Beings, who are abundant in imagination, we persist in our pursuit and proclamation of freedom, not giving thought that freedom, in itself, is a limitation. Consider this: if one thinks themselves free, and imposes said belief upon the fashion and extent of their thought and Being, and in doing so, therefore, betrays the desire to rid the mind of restrictions by unknowingly placing limitations. In other words, “what is in a name? That which we call a rose by any other name would smell as sweet.”

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I love the way she thinks and cannot wait until The Archetects introduce their new pieces online for January 2013.

To view the lookbook in its entirety click here.

To view their site click here.




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