African Fashion Bloggers Unite!

A photoshoot preview from the SheKudo Label


The AFWNY team loves meeting new friends. Amy Iheakanwa is currently working for HauTe Fashion Africa as style editor. She’s also in the middle of creating her own personal line with a friend that has a mix of African and Australian styles, as she is half Nigerian and half Australian. She loves everything African fashion related, and has a real passion for design. The line should be released this summer, and they’re labeling it “SheKudo”. Amy and her team share our idea that “African attire doesn’t just have to be pulled out as our Sunday best, why can’t it be made a staple just like denim?” ( We’re so excited to see what you’ve got coming for us, Amy! African fashion is here to stay ladies, so get ready when we bring it on full force. 

READ  SheKudo: Add Some Afro-Australian Pop!
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