L’Uomo Vogue Planning Second African-Themed Issue

We hope you remember how L’Uomo Vogue released its first issue focusing on African style back in November 2008 (following Vogue Italia’s super successful “Black Issue”). The AFWNY team was very happy to find out that the magazine is planning a second one for the spring. Editor Franca Sozzani revealed the news to Styleite.com that the next edition will drop in May or June and that this time coverage will go beyond African fashion.“It will be about the presidents, it will be about the people, but in a very positive way. I don’t want to say in a glamorous way, but I wanted to show the best side, but only the good side,” Sozzani said. “There are a lot of talents, a lot of talented people in art, in music, in cinema and everywhere. So I really wanted to push that side.” No other details have been set as the issue is still in the initial stages, but tell us: Are you looking forward to the new issue? We are!

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